Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Documents on Human Academy' Inc.'s super-low bid on a somewhat dubious translation tender by Kyoto City

 As I don't have time to write a proper post describing this material and the context, I have decided to simply start putting some of the raw data up in advance. 

Theses are documents including the estimates from six companies that presented estimates in response to the small amount open-counter tender for Japanese to English translation (included a short  Japanese to Chinese PA policy statement as well). The bid was so low as to merit a complaint for suspected dumping.

I will post the source text and target text provided by Human Academy Inc. to Kyoto City, but it bears noting that the project is unusual in that it encompasses Kyoto City performing the final editing of the English text itself in consultation with its foreigner clients, including Nestle (owner of Blue Bottle). Kyoro City has refused to post the final of the three texts, and I assume that is because they don't want me to give it the thrashing it deserves as an ideological spiel by the Wall St. investors that have basically bought out the city office of the Kyoto government, and hired an assistant professor from Waseda University as a consultant.

Of course, that is just the kind of fare I prefer these days, so I will be sure to give Iriyama and the new mayor of Kyoto their just desserts. Here is the website were the translations are being posted: https://preservekyoto.city.kyoto.lg.jp/en/journal

And here is a link to the Japanese article for which they are currently withholding the publication of the finalized translation, more than 3 months after the completed translation was submitted on April 8, 2024: https://kigyolog.com/interview.php?id=236

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