Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Disclosed English Translation of the Article Kyoto City is Currently Refraining from Publishing from "京都 Innovation Studio Session Vol. 7"

Since I am at the blog desk, let me post this article now.
This translation was also obtained through a request for disclosure of public documents, as it is one of three Japanese-to-English translations that Kyoto City paid Human Academy Inc. to produce, as per the documents pertaining to the tender I posted yesterday. The city government agreed to provide the documents voluntarily, via email.

Meanwhile, Kyoto City has published the other two pieces, but they have withheld this one, partly for reasons I touched on yesterday (Goldman Sachs et al. finance sector connections, etc.), and will refrain from going into further here. However, I will again post the URL to the original Japanese article, which is still active:

Suffice it to say, it is clear, even from the title, that they are making a belabored comparison of Kyoto to Silicon Valley, and trying to market Kyoto as a Silicon Valley competitor of sorts. It's pathetic, of course, but these people wield influence over the government. 

I will post the other two pieces in their pre-edited form eventually, but it remains unclear whether the city ever intends to publish its edited version of this, so I will publish the unedited, public domain document, here.


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