Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What is ConnectFree? Who is Kristopher Tate? テイト クリストファー・帝都 久利寿て誰?

Well, this is the second post I’ve started with “Well” in a week, and that says something about what kind of a week it has been. I have a lot of background research to do in preparation for submitting Briefs and the like to the D.C. Circuit Court, but sometimes these damn posts just demand to be put up immediately, even if only provisional and needing to be revisited and revised subsequently. This is one of those posts. 

Let me clarify that. I have so much material waiting to be put into bloggable form that I have left subjects dangling with merely an INTRO post (i.e., Riney and Kittaka), and I haven’t even been able to followup: the September 16th entry on “co-working” http://kyoto-inside-out.blogspot.jp/2016/09/the-enemy-within-part-1-neoliberalism.html with a post examining Tong Cheuk Fung and Kenshin Fujiwara, etc.; or Coincheck's Otsuka, etc. 

As is often the case with individuals examined on this blog, however, they are connected through the networks they are trying to insinuate in civil society and through which the seek to exert influence in society in a social engineering/social psychology modus operandi, and Tate (goes by Japanese names spelled: テイト クリストファー and 帝都 久利寿) is connected to Fujiwara and Fung directly, as demonstrated, for example, but this archived website, which may have been operated by Tate called “Innovation Valley”: http://web.archive.org/web/20140129003233/http://innovationvalley.jp/. I’m sure you’ve caught the wordplay on ‘Silicon Valley’, pretty @nifty bit o’ PR, eh?

The CIA has apparently decided that since I’ve demolished the old guard here in Kyoto, they’re going to send a squadron of boy-scout nerd stars with dark shades over to show me that they mean business this time. And like James Riney, our suspected CIA neoliberal nerd star hero is connected to the Japanese VC firm DeNA; in fact, the CEO of that firm is a partner in Tate’s company here in Kyoto, which is called “connectFree” (コネクトフリー株式会社). The only information on his company I found in English with a quick online search was a fatuously promotional translation into English of a Japanese article on a Japanese website: http://thebridge.jp/en/2014/07/connectfree-funding

More specifically, the above-linked archived page lists two companies that I had to describe to the D.C. District Court in elaborating the CIA et al.’s neoliberal Trojan Horse infiltration of Kyoto: Impact Hub Kyoto, and Bento&Co (owned by suspected GDSE (France’s CIA) officer Thomas Bertrand (who has since opened a second company called “Ship&Co.” through which he had billed himself as “disrupting logistics in Japan” on the company’s Facebook page before I “liked” it). Furthermore, the archived page also list three other companies that I have only examined on this blog: 47 Ronin (operated by Tong Cheuk Fung); Coworkify (operated by Kenshin Fujiwara); and COWAKI, which was one of the co-working spaces Fujiwara advertised on his website.

Tate had posted a link to the original webpage on Fujiwara’s timeline in January of 2014, and an inane exchange among them commenced (I don’t know whether it’s worth translating, but no time, so you can see it here):

In fact, as it is approaching 6AM here, and I’ve copied by not yet converted the pdf’s I’ve archived into images yet or saved images that I’ve downloaded as screenshots and pasted into Word files, I will simply post links for the moment, uploading the images eventually.

First, here are recent posts to his Facebook timeline in which his company is being promoted by the Kyoto New, the local daily newspaper.

This write up in Kyoto News about his company promotes its purported revolutionary communications software for use in the Internet of Things (IoT).
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153585637855855&set=a.10150107330030855.282827.503975854&type=3&theaterAnother post of a Kyoto News article (http://www.kyoto-np.co.jp/economy/article/20160613000109) indicating that the CEO of the VC firm DeNA that James Riney worked for is becoming the president of Kristopher Tate’s company:

Here, I’m going to take the time to post a couple of images, because they illustrate the current scenario. The first image is what prompted me to launch this post the same day I noticed, and was posted by him a week ago, on September 20th, declaring that he had moved to Kyoto and showing him standing in front of a fashionable old townhouse in the geisha district of Gion:

Tate is someone who has been on my radar for approximately a year after I noticed him in conjunction with investigating the recently launched monthly called “Enjoy Kyoto”, with which he seemed to be involved along with one other foreigner (named “Rich”), even though no foreigners were credited in the paper. He had moved to Tokyo though, and it didn’t seem that he intended to come back. I hadn’t known about the company he still had going here or his connection to Fung and the co-working scenario, for example. With respect to “Enjoy Kyoto”, they did a promotional feature on suspected CIA officer Jeff Berglund that I submitted to the Court in full in conjunction with describing the scenario here, as Berglund’s place is about 500 meters from my home on a historical stretch of one of Kyoto’s better known scenic streets that has been targeted by the CIA et al., including Tadg’s, for example, and the yakuza.

Here are a couple of other relatively recent photos Tate has posted to his timeline, so you get “the image” he is trying to project and a bit of the continuum. The first is of Tate and Fujiwara together at Startup Weekend Kyoto, November 2013:

A photo taken on a beach in Okinawa in August, 2016:

This one shows him meeting with a former right-wing president of Taiwan who espoused historical revisionism as a crony of the LDP and probably the CIA (i.e., is political career was also likely supported by the CIA, as with the LDP) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Teng-hui, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Teng-hui#Japanese_support):

And here an embedded Youtube video of the suspected

CIA sociopaths, before the latter passed away.

Here he is on a Fuji TV screen set, Fuji TV being owned by the right-wing media outlet that purchased GPlus Media, as described to the D.C. District Court in conjunction with an examination of the treatment of that sale by the Japan Times: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153350548995855&set=a.10150107330030855.282827.503975854&type=3&theater

As Riney, Tate says little about his family, other than describing how his father purportedly gave him a computer at age 4. He is practically unknown otherwise. There is a Wikipedia article that states it is of questionable notability as one English language source documenting what may have been a pseudo-event company, as it eventually just disappeared, without notice or sale, etc.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooomr

The Wikipedia article links to a promotional BBC piece that provides some details, at least. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6502611.stm. In this article (http://www.innovation-osaka.jp/innovators/1663), Tate himself states that when he was 16 years old, “Most of my friends [] lived all around the world and English was not their primary language.” He doesn’t explain how it was that most of the friends of a 16-year old from Seattle were of such an international composition, but perhaps, as with Riney, his father was a CIA officer. He goes on to mention Japan with respect to a substantially non-existent connection:

One day, I learned that if I took a test that I could receive my full diploma ahead of graduation in my first year. It was enough of a motivator for me that I focused everything on getting there and setting-up shop. Forget college — I had my mind already set on Silicon Valley.
At 16 years old, I had landed in Silicon Valley. Along the way, I took many photos and wanted to share my journey with friends and family. Most of my friends at that point lived all around the world and English was not their primary language. It soon became apparent to me that I had the chance to make online photo sharing as universal as the photos themselves! I could do this by providing the website’s menus and interface in multiple languages while keeping the users and community on the same database.
The website was called Zooomr and it launched on October 28th, 2005. []
With the success of Zooomr, I started to think about the impact that software had on the entire world. One evening while dining with friends, we started to talk about how more Asians (particularly Chinese) were going to start connecting to the Internet. We also started to talk about how hard it was to do business in Japan.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Who is Louise George Kittaka?......INTRO, w/ filings related to Japan Times, etc., submitted to D.C. Court

Well, just when I’d hoped to start concentrating more on the Appeal to the D.C. Circuit Court, the Japan Times published another offensive anti-Japanese diatribe (http://www.japantimes.co.jp/community/2016/09/21/issues/body-image-foreign-female-japan-survey-shows-frustration-one-size-fits-thinking/), this one by one of its celebrity columnists who is a somewhat dogmatic feminist ideologue suspected intelligence operatives (she is from New Zealand) not above stooping to a little pseudo-event "surveying", in the Boorstinian sense. The article at issue is primarily aimed at derogating Japanese cultural sensibilities and norms of female beauty, etc., apparently having the objective of encouraging foreigners apply pressure to Japanese to accept the presence of obese Western women among them. Here are a couple of links: https://www.facebook.com/louisegeorge.kittaka?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tabhttp://www.japantimes.co.jp/author/int-louise_george_kittaka/, http://tomoanthology.blogspot.jp/2012/03/interview-with-tomo-contributor-louis.html

Kittaka is connected to a number of the suspected CIA et al. officers that have been named and described in the lawsuit as well as this blog, through Susan Pavloska 

of Doshisha and Kyoto Journal fame (https://www.facebook.com/susan.pavloska/friends?pnref=lhc), Darlene Beckman, and Jessica Goto (https://www.facebook.com/jessica.goto.1/friends?pnref=lhc), who is employed by the Nihongo Center, like others described on this blog (e.g., Keith Spencer). The following screenshots of her publically viewable Facebook friends include: John Einarsen, Tong Cheuk Fung, Roger Walch, etc. I have archived numerous webpages and screenshots to be uploaded, as appropriate.

I dared them to delete my critical comment, and though they didn’t—at first—after a deluge of other negative comments and a couple in support by their shills, they deleted one of my comments (which had quickly received 5 up-votes, as per the screenshots posted below, by: https://disqus.com/by/s0nicfreak/comments/,  https://disqus.com/by/charleshenrywetzel/, https://disqus.com/by/laikacatmeow/, and https://disqus.com/by/haroldgodsoe/) responding to a reply to one of my comments by the Disqus user named Charles (https://disqus.com/by/charleshenrywetzel/) in relation to another user named blondein_tokyo (https://disqus.com/by/blondein_tokyo/), a somewhat dogmatic Western feminist who does, in fact, espouse a version of imperialist feminist ideology, as I suggested in a reply to her. The Japan Times subsequently decided to ban me from commenting on their articles, whereupon they deleted the comments of blondein_tokyo and Charles that provided context to my comments, so I can only provide screenshots from Disqus of my comments. 

Note the stealth promotion of Bitcoin as a means of healing the social ills of globalization... in the article. The author is a former mining executive who wanted deregulation, so he formed a quasi-liberal (now irrefutably neoliberal) think tank called the "Institute for Liberty and Democracy" (http://www.ild.org.pe/) to promote "property rights in developing nations" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_Liberty_and_Democracy). He was lauded by imprisoned former president of Pure Alberto Fujimori, is currently collaborating with U.S. ally the Republic of Georgia on establishing former title to real property using Bitcoin related technology (http://ild.org.pe/ild-in-the-news/174-2015/1113-republic-of-georgia-to-pilot-land-titling-on-blockchain-with-economist-hernando-de-soto-bitfury). While I strongly support property rights, the exercises in government certification promoted by this individual seem to have some questionable aspects, but he has received recognition from prominent Western political figures, etc. His reference to Bitcoin in the Japan Times article is stealth, and was kept out of the headline to make it look like an article focused on the law.  

The following document, filed in response to defendant Zimbleman and addressing defendant Lotman and suspected CIA officer and Japan Times columnist Kris Kosaka discusses the Japan Times on elsewhere (pp. 11, 42, 43,  45 (indirectly)), and Ogawawara on page 44, along with Rob Goolhilly and Ken Joseph Jr. (e.g.: http://web.archive.org/web/20150630154158/http://www.counterpunch.org/2003/04/10/the-kenneth-joseph-story/). With respect to Joseph, it bears noting that Kittaka took over his responsibilities for writing a foreigner assistance column that has been a fixture on and off in the Japan Times.