...The company started by suspected CIA operative James Riney's suspected Japanese "Public Security Intelligence Agency" operative associates (http://kyoto-inside-out.blogspot.jp/2016/09/who-is-takuro-mizobe.html).
I'm glad to see them in the news, of course...
Well, the pdf isn't accessible except to my from Google Drive, and some images I tried to upload were "rejected by the server, so the following won't work.
In fact, I don't think these people are worth wasting any more time on, so I'm just going to upload some section/screenshots culled from the uploaded pdf of the blogpost in this series I was working on about Yusuke Otsuka, whom is pictured in the Mainichi artcle.
But there are always links that are still active, or on the Wayback Machine. I don't have time to look through the material, though, so I'll just post this link to his LinkedIn page, which remains largely the same: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yusuke56/. You can see much of the Resu Press and Storys material by following links to the archived pages on the other blogposts in the series about these individuals.