Thursday, January 23, 2020

The global 'religious-right''s threat to democracy and the rule of law - Divide & Conquer Inside Out: INTRO

The fundamental issue with any single group on the spectrum of the so-called religious right (i.e., those espousing extreme right-wing political views based on recourse to religious belief) is that they seek to prioritize their religious views over the rule of law by presenting their positions as based on a right to freedom of belief.

When you get that combines into a plurality of religious-right politicians gaining popular support through a populist appeal to their in-group religious beliefs to achieve a political majority, the people not affiliated with that group suffer systematic discrimination, and the semblance of the rule of law eventually collapses. 

In a purportedly democratic country, political views that are derived from religious or other 'tribal' affiliation undermine the role that reason is supposed to play in the collective decision making process that a democracy is supposed to foster with respect to the big picture issues that society faces as a whole---such as Climate Change---whether those are recognized by a given minority viewpoint or not.

When the situation degenerates to the point it has in the USA at present, when you have a property development organized crime family in the White House that won't be impeached by the Senate despite a preponderance of evidence because of partisan differences, democracy is all but dead.  

Well, first of all, ...