Tuesday, July 24, 2012

An email I sent to Dave Dalsky, receiving no reply

I may have mentioned that David Dalsky expressed an unwillingness to exchange email addresses, which, under the circumstances, is something I assume is a sign of an "unfriendly" element. By that I mean intelligence operatives that are attempting to shield themselves from communicating with me in writing, leaving a record of text that I can subsequently use against them vis-a-vis the authorities or a court of law. I have submitted email communications with CIA officers such as Glenn Paquette, Anthony Blackman, Sasha Peterka, and on this blog I've even posted an exchange with Jamie Roughan.

Anyway, the following is a message I sent to David Dalsky--at the email address posted on the Kyoto University website--after one of a number of recent conversations along the banks of the Kamogawa river. He wasn't aware that I had looked up his information on the Kyoto University website, unless the people I'd informed at the American consulate let him know that I'd reported him and indicated a link in the message I sent to the consulate. 

In any case, he didn't respond to the message for several days, and without further ado, I decided to post an account of my encounters with this individual.

Had he responded to the email, it may have shown that a degree of openness and non-hostile intentions had evolved, but alas, no response.

The email mentions Jews and Israelis as there have been several incidents involving American and British Jews that I have reported to the consulate in the past, and there is a connection between Freemasonry and Judaism, which I will examine in a separate post. There is connection between Freemasons and the yakuza, and there used to be a readily apparent connection between Israelis and the yakuza on the streets of Kyoto (briefly described in the email). In all fairness, there is a well-known connection between Iranians and the yakuza, too. 

I've avoided posting an entry on "The Jewish Connection", for example, as I've done with respect to the "Irish Connection", but there are thematic elements in common that are in need of explication, something I will get around to. There's always a bit of a chilling effect when one says anything critical about the "Jewish Sate" of Israel, for example, so I've been holding off on posting the substantial amount of material about Israeli organized crime collaboration with the yakuza and connections I've noticed to the "intelligence community" here, along with the victim-hood and entitlement conjunction that seems to inform a psychological dimension of their ideology. Furthermore, the problem with the Israelis and Jews I'd encountered in Kyoto ceased several years ago, and there have been more pressing matters at hand. 

At any rate, the three books relating to Japan's preeminent early statesman, scholar and proponent of Buddhism all involve bigoted anti-Buddhist slants of one sort or another, some of which I've briefly analyzed in previous posts. The point to here is that there is a persistent emphasis on exploiting religion demonstrated by the vast majority of the intelligence operatives, and it shares a generally anti-Buddhist character that parallels that of the authors of the books in question. 

With regard to the intelligence operatives, I take that to signify that either they are Freemasons, or that exploiting religion is a core component of the CIA/MI6 modus operandi.

In this regard, the connection of Harry Truman, the 33-degree Freemason that betrayed his Secretary of State, George Marshall, by unilaterally recognizing a "Jewish State of Israel", thereby short-circuiting the United Nations process, which was being coordinated for the USA by Marshall, on the disposition of the former British territory of Palestine, is a topic of the utmost importance. That is a complicated and involved story, but represents a watershed moment in the history of the United States, as from that point onward, a tremendous amount of American resources have been spent on propping up a state with theocratic tendencies, and restarting the type of hostilities between Christians and Muslims that hadn't been seen since the days of the Knights Templar and the Crusades.

Please excuse the sudden intrusion via email.

My mind is a little blunted at present due to whatever physical ailment I have, which seems to be affecting my brain a little, so your big question about religion wasn’t processed as quickly as it might otherwise have been.

Anyway, you asked me if I was religious, and I thought I should write this out while it was on my mind. I certainly can’t say that I am religious compared to some people—like Muslims that pray five times a day—though I guess I’m more religious than others. I am not necessarily against religion per se. On the other hand, with respect to the religion in which I am currently most interested—Mahayana Buddhism--one important teaching relates to the accommodation of the thoughts of others, including religious beliefs. In that manner, Buddhism is a fairly open religion, and what is sometimes referred to as a “doctrine of accommodation” is an aspect of Buddhism that contributed to the development of a syncretic belief system in Japan. There is, perhaps, a built-in recognition (some might call it an insight) of the anthropological origins of religion, in that doctrine. Maybe that is an aspect in which I find resonance.

At any rate, you seem to show a little aversion to my talking critically about the incomprehensible publishing of highly flawed research by Americans that are putting out a bigoted agenda against Buddhism, sometimes anti-Japan overall. Anyway, here is a link to the now retired professor whose book I recommended to you.
Maybe I’m stereotyping, but it seems likely to me that he is Jewish. I’ve met many Jews in academia. As I mentioned though, he is a normal scholar whose research does not reflect a warped epistemology or attempt to manipulate the reader by withholding information, etc. His work has opened up the horizon or students of the relevant subject matter, and in a manner that critically examines the misuse of superstition and lies by what was in effect a politically powerful priest caste family against a scholar. That is also noteworthy, because the pseudo-scholars I am trashing would seem intent on fashioning themselves as a sort of priest caste.

Anyway, the point is that religious bias probably has no place in scholarship. That is not to say that research supporting or elaborating a certain belief system is not valid. That is not the type of content that I am addressing with respect to the three individuals connected to Columbia University. And I have already addressed some similar problems in the work of a PhD from Oxford, so there is a pattern. That guy is a British MI6 agent, who recently published a book on Christians in Japanese history. His PhD is in Slavic studies, however, so it is little wonder that his knowledge of Japan is limited.

Incidentally, there used to be a problem in Kyoto with transient Israelis selling cheap jewelry, etc., on the streets, working through an Israeli guy that was connected to the yakuza. They were eventually shut down about 6-7 years ago. I don’t know if you had arrived in Kyoto before they were already gone. They had basically colonized the walkways, glad to see them gone.

By the way, here is another link, to the talk by the other author, Robert Whiting on the yakuza, the CIA, etc.

The historical connection between the CIA and the yakuza / right wing nationalists is also not something that I have imagined. 


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