Friday, May 13, 2022

Who are Laura Miller? Rebecca Copeland? Karl Friday? What is Facebook page “Deep in Japan”? Suspected CIA operatives… on Facebook

Due to pending legal matters, I haven’t had time to post this material from months back, and even then I was too busy to properly archive all of the incriminating evidence, but I did save some of it, so let me just post that and come back to this later.

It bears noting the "Deep" moniker used on the culprit page in this case, as it resonates with the "Deep Kyoto" page that I've examined on this blog in the past. The CIA and other intelligence agencies are preoccupied with building networks, so social media platforms are an obvious asset that they aim to incorporate as infrastructure to facilitate their network building. 

Suffice it to say that these are more funny-money disinformation specialists doing spurious historical “research” with the aim of recasting, distorting, misrepresenting Japanese history for social engineering objectives, namely to sew discord and misappropriate to promote U.S. policy agendas.

Two of these people are pseudo-scholars published by Stanford…

The only person in the thread on the Deep in Japan page who I can deign to even consider to be a somewhat credible scholar is Matthew Stavros, but he is also CIA, and currently plying his trade in Australia, a destination he shares in common with other individuals I've interacted with over the years in relation to Japan and suspected to be working for the CIA, including one Brian Ritchie, who has since added a shakuhachi name, "Tairaku" to his name.
  I used to be friends with Stavros on FB, and have a thread to post from that period in another post where I was discussing my interests (just so he doesn’t try to steal my ideas, etc.).

Alex Kerr is a funny-money homesexual pseudo-culture figure suspected to be among the legion of CIA “Japanologists” plying their “trade” here in East Asia… about whom I've blogged before... This is, in short, yet another social media page (Facebook) that has been set up to be operated by intelligence operative to promote their cohorts on the platform...

Karl Friday is best known, apparently, for trying to portray an individual who is generally considered to have been an outlaw from the samurai class of the aristocracy as representative of someone from that class, which is primarily lauded for its upholding of the social order. But the particulars of that discussion will have to wait. His work doesn’t really even merit close scrutiny other to expose CIA socio-pathological fabrication and misrepresentation of history for social engineering aims.

Ms. Miller, and perhaps her (lesbian lover??) friend, Rebecca Copeland blocked me at the direction of someone after being reprimanded, apparently, for telling me I shouldn’t talk about the CIA.

Although the moderators of Deep in Japan, including Japan Times columnist, Australian, Shawn O'Dwyer ( and an American named Jeff Kruger ( were sort of fair to me, as moderators, but they did let other people on that page to falsely accuse me of saying irrational things with no basis, etc., and Deep in Japan blocked me after I threatened to take legal action… 

There are screenshots from 2 threads, unfortunately the first is not complete, but it is before Ms. Miller and Copeland blocked me, after spewing verbal abuse and lies in defense of Mr. Friday, one of their suspected CIA cohorts... The threads are split by Ms. Miller's FB cover photo at the time.

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