Saturday, April 23, 2022

Who is Shoji Nishida (西田昌司)?

He is an LDP (Japan’s right-wing political party established by a WWII Class-A war criminal with funds from the CIA channeled through a yakuza) member of the Upper House (House of Councilors)of the Japanese Diet (the Japanese legislature) who is connected to Tatsuhiko Koyama and Aiko Koyama (, as described in early blog posts including the Civil Complaint uploaded with this post:

I’m still swamped with lawsuit related tasks in addition to normal work, so I don’t have time to go into much detail, but the suspected CIA-connected LDP politician Nishida has recently been placed under criminal investigation for vote buying and money laundering after a criminal complaint was filed against him by 40 attorney’s here in Kyoto.

To give a little context, Japan’s former Minister of Justice Katsuyuki Kawai (, along with his wife, Anri Kawai ( have recently had their jail time sentences confirmed for vote buying, so this is a somewhat endemic problem in Japan, perhaps the most corrupt country in East Asia, with South Korea being a close second...

The English language news media in Japan has completely ignored the allegations in the criminal case that has been filed against Shoji Nishida, so I can only post a couple of Japanese articles from February. It is hard to say when the indictments will be handed down, but one would expect by sometime in May the prosecutors should have no excuses for not acting.

The only English language newspaper in Japan to print anything about Shoji Nishida since the criminal complaint was filed against him is the CIA populated Japan Times, which is owned by the New York Times, incidentally. And the article is one that attempts to portray Shoji Nishida in a good light to English-speaking readers.

Whereas the Japan Times once boasted the eminent early scholar of the Noh theater, Ezra Pound, among its columnists, it now features a large number of suspected CIA operatives as writers or who form the subject matter of the articles by same that are Jewish, Irish, or Korean whose writings often are of the sort I have examined on this blog with respect to distortions of history that the CIA uses for identity politics schemes for political aims here in Japan. I've written blog posts specifically addressing the Irish Connection and the Jewish Connection as introductory pieces, but the history between Japan and Korea is complicated and spans more than 1,000 years, so the only specific piece I've written on the Korean Connection thus far is an early one from 2011 in which I examined an revisionist history disinformation  article written by suspected CIA operative an regular Japan Times columnist Eric Johnston, here: 

In the case of that article, however, there was a serious miscalculation made in that the CIA attempted to portray the first stationary capital city of Japan, Nara, as essentially a colony of Koreans, apparently seeking to cultivate a sense of common identity in that manner, but that is ludicrous and demeaning to the Japanese and their history, without belittling the contributions made by numerous individuals and political entities from Korea.

Normally the CIA et al try to rally people along the meme of:

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” 

One aspect of that social engineering operation is to try to get the Japanese to identify with some form of victimhood or another in camaraderie with people of other nationalities or religiously affiliation having a similar component of victimhood constituent to their respective identities. The idea is to have Japanese identify themselves as an exploited, discriminated against minority so they will collectively stand up for their rights in whatever international conflagration the CIA can conjure up here in the Far East.

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