Thursday, December 19, 2019

Continuing problems at the Starbucks in Kyoto, 2019

First, since I first had to start blogging about the problems with CIA and other intelligence operatives as well as girls working in the so-called "water trade" (水商売); that is, selling expensive cocktails at bars where they keep the customers company. A lot of college girls apparently work their way through college that way, and in Kyoto they seem to be sent to the Starbucks to try and drum up business in the neighborhood where those types of establishments try to infiltrate.  

Of course, those are largely operated by people connected to organized crime, and are rumored to be connected to prostitution, but more generally it is also about opening the scene to people with financial means but no connection to the city, and some of these women apparently are simply gold diggers of a sort, hoping that by promoting that atmosphere, they can land a wealthy husband. Usually, those type of women try to dress to impress, in expensive clothing, more like women working on Wall St. than college students, so it's not to difficult to pick out which ones are on the make working in hostess bars acting as bait

At any rate, that is only one aspect of the problems at Starbucks, because the front IT companies and other fake economy generating front companies that appear to be a symbiotic setup  between intelligence operatives (international) and investment outlets for organized crime groups to launder their illicit funds while they carry out property development schemes in the area. They were able, with not a little help from the CIA (more on that in a later post) to help install a corrupt government through which they could weaken zoning laws like restrictions on building height, etc., to where they are destroying residential neighborhoods in the center of town, and attempting to colonize it with imported people connected to the front companies they operate.

As described on this blog, those involve CIA operatives (Christopher Tate) and Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency operatives (Yuki Kunishige in my neighborhood, Kenshin Fujiwara, etc.). Those companies are fronts that serve multiple purposes, one of which is to claim to have numerous employees (Baseconnect claims to have 500 non-permanent staff, whatever that means). So they are building 9-story condominium complexes where there were blocks of single family homes several years ago (I've watched it happening before my eyes, and have called the police on the unseemly people that try to infiltrate the neighborhood at night to go to bars they open, parking illegally, etc.). I suppose that the scheme is they can boost property prices and the racist Japanese government along with an international coterie of intelligence operatives can take over the city and efface the cultural heritage, etc.

At any rate, Starbucks, once again, is targeted by those people as a staging grounds where they try to make a public presence that represents a microcosm of their overall aims on the locale, populating the Starbucks with the same sort of people from the front companies.

I'm an obstacle to that, so I'm continually being harassed, whether be it by cretins trying to distract me, or by attractive young women I talk to (see post about Makiko Itoi), sometimes making dates with, etc., who turn out to have been some sort of plant or another aiming to frustrate me, etc., with the overall aim of isolating me socially, apparently.

So, I had to call the police on one particularly obnoxious asshole back in June, but the police have not only refused to accept a complaint (they are obligated to do so), but a detective from the organized crime task force stated that he couldn't check whether the individual was connected because he didn't have his personal information, which is simply a lie, as can be seen from the documents below. 

An effect of calling the police is that they take the information of the involved parties. That is so obvious that the detective is probably in for some sort of reprimand, if not liable for an abuse of power for not only refusing to investigate but lying about not having access to the requisite information. 

So, I'm too busy with divorce trial and more serious criminal investigations to get around to filing a complaint against this detective, or against the patrolman who got violent with me. I may have to talk to him once more to see if I can convince him to change his mind. If he refuses, I may file a criminal complaint against him in a forthcoming criminal complaint against other detectives in the white collar crime division of the Nakagyoku police department. It's clearly institutional racism that would appear to implicate either the intelligence agencies in the background or corruption with organized crime.


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