Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Who is Ron Read? Clue: formerly of Kurdyla and Associates, which was bought out by Human Academy, and currently heads their Osaka branch, with its "Government Contracts Division"

This is a brief follow up introducing the American running the actual company that placed the bid on the problematic tender at issue.

I don't have time to go into the administrative proceedings that I have pursued thus far against the city and this company, but there will be a court action against Kyoto City.

Kurdyla & Associates is not only a company which I did a little work for more than 20 years ago when I was in Tokyo, but the name of the company that Joel Hastings ran in Seoul, which I worked for, was a branch of Kurdyla & Associates ("K & H" stood for Kurdyla and Hastings). 

See this blog post from 2015:



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