Thursday, January 17, 2019

Baseconnect 2... What I Learned After Visiting Kyoto City Hall

In short, the person I was put in touch with informed me that no public funds were invested in the company, as the city just provides coordination and some publicity, etc. 

He confirmed that the page with the documents:

had been taken down, but thought it might just be due to a re-designing of the website, and didn't know why earlier documents of the same type were still there. Here is a shot of the page when I archived it on September 12, 2018:

The gentlemanly civil servant did provide the documents that had been taken down to me, so they are posted below, with translations of relevant (interesting) portions are to follow (in the not too distant future). It was nice to be provided with the documents expediently, etc., as the scenario was starting to take on a somewhat surreal countenance.

The gentleman at City Hall was also surprised by the amount of investment, but I will have to research that aspect a little more as well. Here is a link to a recent post on the company's website discussing their efforts to raise funding:

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