Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Auer, Blaine (aka Blain), Who is he? Part III, with a guest appearance by Phong Tran...

Dealing with legal matters of tremendous import at present precludes me from writing anything about these two friends from 20 years ago, but I'm going to share a few post cards here.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Glenn Paquette Makes a Stealth Return Teaching 'Seminars' on Writing Papers in English at Kyoto University, Unadvertised to the Public

No time to explain this, so I will just post the email exchange and some documents I turned up with some direct detective work...

Blain (aka Blaine) Auer, Part II

Perhaps it was too be expected, but Blain has deleted my Friend request as well as my comments, likes, etc., from his Facebook page after I found it necessary to post an entry about him and Phong Tran.

The CIA is all about gaining your confidence/trust and betraying it. As will become apparent when I post some more material about my friendship with Blain, I don't have any reason to believe he would betray me. In fact, I always felt that his deciding to cut off communications with me after coming to Japan for a visit in 1998 showed that he wasn't going to engage in that type of conduct, which I came to suspect in a former army buddy that happened to be involved with Evangelical Protestantism in South Korea...

A number of the other people shown in the same screenshot are suspected Japanese intelligence operatives affiliated with my wife. 

It's hard to determine with which country's intelligence service a given individual is being paid by, as in the case with pseudo-scholar/pseudo-culture figure Alex Kerr, an American with a PhD from Oxford whose quasi-books are published by various CIA front presses, etc. He is associated with a number of suspected MI6 and intelligence officers from Commonwealth countries, such as New Zealand. And some of the suspected Japanese intelligence officers residing in New Zealand may in fact be under the employ of the MI6, etc. 

He is in a similar bracket to pseudo-scholar John Dougill, but was elevated among the pseudo-intellectual intelligence operatives at an earlier stage in his career, perhaps because he is homosexual, another angle that the "woke" CIA et al. attempt to work to break down mainstream cultural norms.

Such cross affiliations could be useful in evading certain legal constraints, and may be a reason that some in the UK are pushing for BREXIT. That is to say, the EU has ratified the special protocol of the UN Human Rights Treaty, unlike the USA and Japan. Maybe the UK wants out of that to protect its intelligence operations. 

Privacy Act Request to U.S.Department of State, Sent in May, 2014, Still Pending!

As you can see from the notice submitted to the D.C District Court in 2016, the records pertaining to the case for the notice I received on June 3, 2014 have still not been disclosed by the Department of State. Some of the subsequent email interactions, including the most recent, are also provided.

As mentioned earlier, one reason that they are refusing to disclose the documents is because I revealed the entities of suspected intelligence operatives, including a woman named Eriko Iguchi, for example--the subject of a following post--who was then a medical student at Kyoto University and may have been associated with Glenn Paquette. I also sent them photos of suspected organized crime figures harassing me at cafes, making a spectacle of themselves in the neighborhood on the street in front of a Korean yakiniku restaurant, etc.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Suspicious Characters (Intellligence Operative and/or Organized Crime Members) Harassing Me and Being a General Menace in Kyoto (CONTINUAL RECORD)

More about these people later, but from this juncture I'm going to be posting more images of suspected intelligence operatives whom I don't personally know but whom have harassed me, etc., or otherwise require photographing and reporting to the police for upcoming criminal complaint against the CIA et al.

Today, while on my way up to Ohara, this crazy woman stops her bike in front of me trying to cause an accident. I asked if she was 公安所工作員 (Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency operative), yakuza, or CIA and she started cussing at me in English. So suffice it to say she was obviously not a local. I doubled back to video her, and when I called out to her, she shot me the bird! She's probably from the states, maybe connected to one of the Japanese or Korean crime groups there that are trying to infiltrate Kyoto.

This couple is one of numerous suspect characters popping up along my route up and down the Kamogawa river, along which I go jogging. The guy was spying on me out of the corner of his eye, and when I photographed them the woman, who was pretending to be blind (or so it seemed) started asking me why I was filming, etc., betraying her apparent ruse, and so I asked if they were Japanese Public Security Agency people or yakuza (they might be on the CIA's payroll), and she answered that they were yakuza (!?? probably a lie to misdirect...), and tried to get me to stop filming, calling me a "foreigner", etc. Of course, since I have been traversing that stretch of the river regularly for many years, I am familiar with the locals that frequent the place...

This suspected intelligence operative's Japanese girlfriend left before I broke out the camera... They were trying to annoy me after I left the Starbucks at about 11 PM, as I do almost every night. 

June 6, 2019

This guy bumped my shoulder, sort of typical and reoccurring stiff-shoulder incident where these sociopaths attempt to cut me off, impede my line, obstruct the way, etc., with respect to which there is a pending case with the police.

He tried to circle around, so I started taping him, and eventually he grabbed my shirt to try and intimidate me into deleting the video. After pulling away from him I shot an even longer video, but it's too long to upload.

June 23, 2019

These are from random dates over the past month.

A couple of these guys are definitely intelligence "spooks", one of whom (the caucasian guy on the bicycle) I posted a longer video of on my FB timeline that I will have to dig up and post here.

The white guy lives in my neighborhood and pretends to be part of a security detail of some sort projecting that they are protecting me from organized crime. Occasionally he pops out of the shadows from behind me to impress the fact that I would be vulnerable otherwise.

He was on the Kamogawa detail that day, along with this Japanese guy who smirked at me on the street... Some of these videos don't show the preview image, so I'm posting a couple of still shots as well.

That is the reason I need a formal declaration of police protection; that is, to shut down these psyops games from the intelligence operatives who are actually in league with organized crime through the various property development and other schemes targeting the economy, culture, etc., of the city.

These tattooed Korean guys seem more like organized crime affiliated people, and they were apparently lodging at the AirBnb I blogged about back in December, 2016 (

There have been a number of Korean BBQ restaurants (far too many) opening in this neighborhood, and I sent photos to the US Consulate in Osaka in 2013 of an obvious group of organized crime people coming out of one of them, which I will soon post in a separate post along with the text of the email. The US Department of State continues to refuse to release my documents in response to a Privacy Act request I filed in 2014, and to which they agreed to release the documents during the lawsuit against the CIA et al. So, I will post that entire email exchange, as it is also evidence for the upcoming second round lawsuit against the CIA et al.

OK, I found the images and video from MARCH 2018 of the caucasian guy and his Japanese girlfriend, where they were apparently surveilling me as I waited for my wife to come out of a place inhabited by a woman named Nakashima, another suspected intelligence operative... You can hear me give them a somewhat ironic greeting in the video, which they played by and ignored.

June 24, 2019

Today there was another "smirker" type on the street, on a bicycle.
This may seem like an exercise in futility, but this is an evidentiary record in the making...

June 29, 2019

This girl is the cutest of the Taiwanese female intelligence operatives to cross my path, but more about that later. She hides her face on Facebook, as she's still to young to have made her mark as an intelligence operative...

In English, her name is Tzu Yu Huang (黃子瑜), and she plays a Chinese vertical flute called the xiao, but not the traditional music associated with it. She graduated from college, but was unspecific about her work...
I will post our Facebook Messenger exchange later.


July 16, 2019

Such a swarm of these people trying to infiltrate the neighborhood and its immediate environs that I can hardly post all of them...

I will have to do a separate post on some Evangelical Christians playing songs including Amazing Grace and Irish folk music along the Kamogawa river the other day...