Monday, August 10, 2020






Former Deputy Director of WIPO James Pooley's report against Francis Gurry, Director General of WIPO, translated into Japanese for the first time (for public consumption, at any rate).


私は,WIPOの事務局長であるフランシス・ガリ氏(Mr. Francis Gurry)が重大な不正行為を犯したことを確信し,ここに報告いたします。特に重要であると考えるのは次の2点です。
⑵ 最近,ガリ氏の知人が経営するとあるオーストラリアの企業に業務の発注先が変更されたが,この企業が入札手続きを経ないで業務を受注していると言う汚職の証拠

⒉ 私は20141130日までの任期でWIPOの副事務局長を務めておりますが,この2014年の時点において民間での仕事に戻ることを考えており,WIPOにおける契約更新や国連において他の役職を求めようとはしていません。私がこの報告書を作成するのは国連に対する忠誠を尽くすため,そして全ての職員に課せられた不正行為報告義務を果たすためです。

⒊ 私が上司の不正を間近で見つつ沈黙を貫くことは,その不正行為に加担することと同じであると考えます。WIPOのトップにある者としてそのリーダーシップの重要な意義を認識しつつ申し上げるならば,WIPO事務局長の事務局の権限が実質的に監督されていないことについて,2007年,前任のアメリカの代表者は「WIPO加盟国及び職員らは高いプロフェッショナリズムと倫理観を持った組織を備えるに値する」と述べていました。加盟国のほとんどは,伝統的に法的・政治的な手続きにおいて,透明性と帰責性を重視しています。そして政府高官が処罰されないことを激しく憎みます。個人的なレベルにおいても,私の弁護士としての40年余りにわたる訓練と経験が,汚職を明るみにしてこれに抵抗することを要求しています。

⒋ この報告は最近のある出来事に触発されました。DNAの盗難に関して,まず第一に201451日付のLe Temps-onに掲載されたある記事について(原典のフランス語版と英訳版とを,証拠1及び2としてそれぞれ添付します),第2に,201451日にガリ氏によって開かれた記者会見(Intellectual Property Watchに掲載されたこの記者会見についての報道のコピーを,証拠3として添付します)について言及したいと思います。両報道において,ガリ氏はDNA事件について追及されていますが質問をかわしました。彼は疑惑を否定するよりもむしろ,追及を根拠の無いものであると断じました。しかし後に明らかにするように,この発言は明らかな虚偽です。

⒌ 私はここに報告する事件が国内法及び国際法に違反していること,ガリ氏の言うように「些細な」基本的人権が危機に瀕していること,このような違法行為が加盟国の介入の不在を招き続けることになると確信しています。

2007年,当時WIPOの事務局長であったKami I Idris氏がこの職に就任するにあたり,年齢を偽っていたことにまつわり論争が起こりました。1985年からWIPOに属していたガリ氏は当時は副事務局長に就いていましたが,それ以前はIdris氏の法律顧問の職にありました。彼はIdris氏が2008年に予定されていた特別選挙で再選されることを望んでいました(証拠4の強調部分を参照のこと;ガリ氏が提出した苦情のコピー)。


⒏ スイス警察当局とのやり取りにおいて,ガリ氏及びWIPOのセキュリティ部門の責任者であったJan Van Hecke氏は,配られた文書には指紋とDNAが付着していることを知りました。Van Hecke氏は,200828日付でIdris氏に覚え書きを送り,スイス警察当局に対し,文書を受け取った,或いは触ったと考えられる24人のWIPO職員に直接接触をする権限を自分に付与するよう求めました。私の聞くところではIdris氏は,元裁判官で彼の事務局の主席であったMichele Weil-Guthman氏の助言の下これを拒否したということであり,Weil-Guthman氏はその理由として,WIPO職員としての免責を正式に解除されることなくVan Hecke氏がこれを行うことは不適切であると考えていたようです。ガリ氏が第一にDNA比較を彼の疑惑を晴らす最適な方法であると考えていたこと,そして第二に上司であったSherif Saad allah及びCarlotta Graffignaらが例の匿名文書の責を負ったことは彼にとって不運なことでした(これに関連する事実についての「覚え書き1」のコピーは,私の知るところでは一級の証拠資料です。その一方で、私がある事実について「知っていた」或いは「把握していた」と述べるとき,それは個人的にその事実を知っている誰かが私にそれを明かしたということを意味します。200828日付の,外交免責と法医学調査についてのその文書を証拠5として添付します)。

9. 2008213日,Idris氏の後任を選出する選挙で,オーストラリアがGurry氏を候補者として指名しました。それとほぼ同時に,Gurry氏は自らが選出された場合に,WIPOの上級職員であるBinying Wang氏とGeoffrey Onyeama氏を副事務局長に指名するつもりであることを私は掴んでいました。

10. 20083月初めのある時,WIPOのセキュリティ部門の一員であるDrew Donoven氏(彼は200828日付の覚え書きに添付された報告書の作成者でもあります)は,Saadalah氏,Graffigna氏,そしてWeil Guthmann氏のオフィスに忍び込んで彼らのDNAが付着していそうな物品を捜索し,タバコやキャンディの容器,口紅,デンタルフロス,テープやホッチキスといった私物を持ち去りました。これらの物品が317日以前にスイス警察に持ち込まれたことは,ジュネーブ大学病院による法医学分析レポートにこれらの証拠が反映されていることから明らかです(200869日付のジュネーブ大学病院のDNA分析レポートのコピーを証拠6として添付します。3ページと5ページの強調箇所は,DNADonovan氏がオフィスから持ち去った物品のいずれかから見つかったものであることを示しています)。この3名の職員らは,いずれも調査について許可を与えていないことはおろか,このような事実があったことすら知りませんでした。

11. 2008513日,調整委委員会において,1票差(42票対41票)でGurry氏が事務局長候補者に指名されました。この投票は,9月に開催される総会で全ての加盟国による承認を受ける必要があります。

12. これと同じ日,スイス代表部はIdris氏に対し,WIPO10名の職員が面接を受けることを条件に,彼らの免責を解除してもよいと文書で通知しました。この10名がどのように選ばれたのかは不明ですが,ここにはSaadallah氏,Graffigna氏,そしてWeil Guthmann氏の3名が含まれていました(なお後者Weil Guthmann氏は,28日付の覚え書きに記された調査対象の中には含まれていませんでした)。この文書に基づき,515日,この10名の職員全員に加え,Gurry氏の免責が解除されました(2008513日及び同月15日付の文書のコピーを証拠7として添付します)。

Monday, June 15, 2020


Mr Gurry is an Australian national. Australia is a member of the so-called 5-Eyes intelligence alliance group ( comprised of the UK, the former British colonies of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and the USA. 

The former NSA contractor Edward Snowden described the Five Eyes as a:
"supra-national intelligence organization that does not answer to the known laws of its own countries".

Sally Young and James Phillips are both from the UK, and are suspected of being operatives for the MI6. Both have lived in Japan in the past I will be putting up a dedicated post on those individuals--along with the evidence I’ve submitted against them--in the not-too-distant future. There are a couple of other individuals suspected of being CIA operatives, and a couple suspected of being Japanese intelligence agency operatives whom I will introduce in due time.

The allegations that I have levelled against them, however, are very similar to those that were levelled against Director General Gurry regarding corruption and cronyism (i.e., a less straight-forward form of bid rigging) in the awarding of a contract related to IT procurement. He is and Mr. Sing are, in effect, acting as enablers for the corruption being engaged in by Ms. Sally Young, Mr. James Phillips, Mr. Chris Piekoszewski, and Ms. Lisa Daoussis. It is hard to imagine that an international organization of the stature and prominence of WIPO could be being undermined for private avarice in the form of purely economic criminal gain, so there must be political angles being exploited in for so-called “intelligence” aims. 

These intelligence agencies are a defacto form of institutionalized international organized crime operating under the cover of nominally public institutions.

Here, the potential intelligence agency employment status of these individuals is, at this point, secondary to the potentially criminal misconduct I have alleged against them and will seek to prosecute to the fullest extent possible.

Below is a slightly redacted copy of the Escalation of Complaint that I presented to the Director General of WIPO, Mr. Francis Gurry. There were a few typos I’ve corrected with red pen. It bears noting that Mr. Gurry never even responded to it, but he is required under the WIPO Oversight Charter to report allegations against the Director of IOD (Mr. Sing), such as I have made, to the Chairs of the Coordination Committee and IAOC, as follows:
20. Allegations of misconduct against the Director, IOD shall be reported to the Director General, who shall inform the Chairs of the Coordination Committee and IAOC and may, in consultation with them, decide to refer the matter to an independent external investigative authority.
21. Allegations of misconduct against the Director General shall be reported by the Director, IOD to the Chair of the General Assembly with a copy to the Chairs of the Coordination Committee and the IAOC. The Director, IOD shall seek the advice of the IAOC on how to proceed further.

So I have to further re-escalate the complaint to include an allegation of misconduct against Mr. Gurry to Mr. Sing, but will do that later.

What is potentially at issue is concealment of evidence of fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, bid rigging, etc. It is not yet the proper time to disclose the initial complaint filed over a series of emails sent to Mr. Singh, Mr. Patrice Sam and Mr. Michael Kim, though I will be submitting a full account to the proper authorities and demanding an investigation, etc.

While I’ve presented some links on the serious accusations that have been levelled at him, then subsequently investigated by covered up, here are some videos of this suspect individual operating out of Switzerland, one of the traditional white-collar crime capitals (tax evasion, money laundering, etc.) in the Western world. These videos are available on YouTube, and I’ve archived in case they delete them:

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Complaint to WIPO's Internal Oversight Division (IOD) and Evasive, Duplicitous and Somewhat Intimidating Response by IOD Director Mr. Rajesh Singh

I introduced Mr. Rajesh Singh, very briefly yesterday because it is difficult to determine what course to follow in presenting this information to the public in light of the fact that I have escalated the complaint to the Director General of WIPO, Mr. Francis Gurry.

WIPO has seen a recent history of procurement related cronyism/corruption complaints in recent years, starting with one against Mr. Gurry himself that was filed by the former Deputy General Director, a US citizen named James Pooley, in 2014( 

When an American Intellectual Property blogger came into possession and published that report (posted below in its entirety), he was contacted by WIPO's attorney and threatened with criminal libel if he refused to remove the post from his blog. He did so, but a number of news organizations picked up the story, and Mr. Pooley's report was finally published online in 2018 by the editor of fearless UK technology website The Register ( 

The Register reports as follows ( regarding the investigation into the conduct of WIPO Director General Gurry:
The secret UN report into the behaviour of WIPO boss Francis Gurry has found him guilty of “conduct... inconsistent with the standards expected of a staff member of the World Intellectual Property Organisation.”
The chair of WIPO's General Assembly Colombian ambassador Gabriel Duque is still refusing to release the full report into the WIPO boss, despite urging from WIPO's staff council, several member states and the US Congress Foreign Affairs Committee.
That entire elicited a series of stern questions for WIPO from the Staff Union of the European Patent Office (SUEPO), a Union of employees working at the EU Patent Office (EPO) (, which I've also posted below the Pooley report in its entirety. Those questions address the legality of WIPO's threatening response to publication of a whistleblower's allegations of corruption, etc., by a Union composed of people with the requisite knowledge of the laws of Switzerland and the EU, as well as regulatory policies governing UN affiliated Agencies like WIPO.

Note that the allegations against WIPO Director General Gurry were widely reported in the media, but the report remains secret. For example, a few other media outlets that have covered the incident:

Accordingly, the above does not make for a situation inspiring confidence that any sort of justice will come about as a result of the escalation to Director General Gurry of the Complaint that I have filed in relation to the procurement process at WIPO related to translation of Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) documentation from Japanese to English, work that I have personal knowledge of from my experience working on from 2009 through 2017.

The first aspect of my Complaint to WIPO relates to the concealing of Contract Award information that is required under UN procurement policy to preserve transparency in the procurement process to be publicly disclosed in a transparent manner on the UNGM website.

IPO Director Singh has acknowledged in his response that said information is required to be disclosed, but attributed the fact that it wasn't to a 'systematic inconsistencies', and never addressed the allegations I made, supported with email evidence that several WIPO employees (first and foremost, Ms. Sally Young) refused to disclose the information and misled me as to their legal requirement to do so. However, in his response, Mr. Singh "advised" me not to disclose details of my Complaint:
5. I advise you to keep this matter confidential, in accordance with Investigation Policy paragraph 28, which requires IOD and "all others involved" to protect the confidentiality of "all investigative matters" and provides that "( ... ) breach of confidentiality( ... ) may amount to misconduct."
Following are excerpts of the documents he cited, which are available in pdf form online (e.g.,:, starting with the Investigation Policy (IOP/IP/2019/1) on the above-linked WIPO page, with the following paragraph 28:
28. Confidentiality shall be maintained with respect to all investigative matters by the Director, IOD, designated investigators, and all others involved[14]. IOD shall keep confidential the identity of the source of the initial allegations of misconduct or other wrongdoing and disclose it on a need to know basis only where required by the legitimate needs of the investigation and/or any subsequent proceedings. In addition, investigation plans and schedules, strategies or terms of reference relating to an investigation shall not be shared or distributed outside of IOD. Breach of confidentiality in relation to IOD investigative activities may amount to misconduct.
Footnote: [14] Internal Oversight Charter, paragraphs 18 and 43.
From the WIPO Internal Oversight Charter:

E. CONFLICT OF INTEREST18. In the performance of their oversight work, the Director, IOD and oversight staff shall avoid perceived or actual conflicts of interest. The Director, IOD shall report any significant impairment to independence and objectivity, including conflicts of interest, for due consideration of the IAOC.
43. The Director, IOD shall be appointed by the Director General after endorsement by the IAOC and the Coordination Committee. The Director, IOD shall have a non-renewable fixed term of office of six years. On completion of the fixed term of office he/she shall not be eligible for any further employment in WIPO. Steps should be taken, where possible, to ensure that the start of the terms of the Director, IOD should not be the same as that of a new External Auditor.
Note that there is also an Investigation Manual.
( That document contains the following paragraphs (my emphasis):
27. The confidentiality of an investigation shall be observed by the Director, IOD, designated investigators and anyone else involved in the investigation, including the complainant, the subject, witnesses, observers, interpreters, and all other individuals required to assist IOD in its investigative activities.
28. All persons so involved shall not communicate to any person information or evidence in connection with an investigation, including the fact itself of an investigation, except to their legal counsel, if any. They may also communicate with the Ombudsman11 or the Chief Ethics Officer12. A person may inform his/her supervisor that he/she will be interviewed by IOD so as to obtain permission for an absence related to an investigation, but may not give any information related to the investigation to his/her supervisor.
Without going into detail, I will post a slightly redacted version of the delayed response (required 6 weeks for preliminary evaluation) from Mr. Singh to my Complaint, followed by my answer to his somewhat intimidating threat to hold me accountable for misconduct should I disclose the details of my Complaint. Since I sent the COMPLAINT ESCALATION to Director General Gurry the same day, I will refrain from going into further detail so as to allow the official process to take its course.

Here are the reports by former Deputy Director of WIPO, James Pooley, as well as the questions from SUEPO.

Who Is Rajesh Singh: WIPO Director of Internal Oversight Division (IOD)

For starters, he is the individual with whom I filed a former complaint with WIPO related to the people in the previous blog post.
Details will have to wait (due to time constraints), so I'll just post his official page on the WIPO website:

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Who is Chris Piekoszewski?

Chris Piekoszewski is someone whom I came into contact with working with WIPO. He has been at WIPO since at least 2015, when a woman named Sally Young ( first told me to contact him and provided his email address in relation to becoming a vendor with WIPO. 

Ms Young is the Head of the Asian Translation Division, and James Philipps is the Director of the PCT Translation Division, as can be seen from their business cards:

which they provided me when I met them in September, 2019 in Osaka when Ms. Young indicated that she and Mr. Philipps would be visiting from Switzerland in preparation for a tender and wanted to meet with me to discuss the matter.

There is a photo of them from 2014 on the WIPO website:

Mr. Piekoszewski is a suspected Polish intelligence officer that has infiltrated WIPO, a UN organization subject to the highest scrutiny under international law. Mr. Piekoszewski has written an article for an online magazine called NATO Review (in the English version) on which he claims to work for NATO, as follows:
Chris Piekoszewski works in the Procurement Service, Office of Financial Control, and is responsible for mission-oriented procurement at NATO HQ. Chris also cooperates with NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division on many strategic solicitations.

His name and WIPO email address can be seen on this publicly available webpage from the UNGM website:

I first came into contact with WIPO through a translation agency in Tokyo named Japan Translation Center (JTC), which has recently upgraded to a fancy website: This is their old website:

As you can see from this recommendation, they sponsored my permanent residency visa in 2014, after I had been working for them for 5 years, primarily on WIPO patent documentation.

WIPO, however, has removed all information about their contract with that company from their website, and four individuals at WIPO are currently being evasive and basically refusing to respond to my queries as to why such is the status regarding information that is supposed to be made publicly available in an accurate and transparent manner in accordance with UN Procurement Policy.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The global 'religious-right''s threat to democracy and the rule of law - Divide & Conquer Inside Out: INTRO

The fundamental issue with any single group on the spectrum of the so-called religious right (i.e., those espousing extreme right-wing political views based on recourse to religious belief) is that they seek to prioritize their religious views over the rule of law by presenting their positions as based on a right to freedom of belief.

When you get that combines into a plurality of religious-right politicians gaining popular support through a populist appeal to their in-group religious beliefs to achieve a political majority, the people not affiliated with that group suffer systematic discrimination, and the semblance of the rule of law eventually collapses. 

In a purportedly democratic country, political views that are derived from religious or other 'tribal' affiliation undermine the role that reason is supposed to play in the collective decision making process that a democracy is supposed to foster with respect to the big picture issues that society faces as a whole---such as Climate Change---whether those are recognized by a given minority viewpoint or not.

When the situation degenerates to the point it has in the USA at present, when you have a property development organized crime family in the White House that won't be impeached by the Senate despite a preponderance of evidence because of partisan differences, democracy is all but dead.  

Well, first of all, ...