Saturday, August 31, 2019

Violent reaction from a cop belonging to Nakagyo ward Police Station after I called them and started shooting video at the scene...

The problems I've been having with the Nakagyo Ward police as well as the central  station relate to criminal corruption, against which a criminal complaint is in the works. There is also an issue pending before the Police Review commission regarding an issue connected to my wife, who has family members in law enforcement in Kyoto. 

The Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency, the CIA, and the yakuza, severally or in collaboration, could be involved.

One aspect relates to the complaint that I filed regarding two similar incidents to the one above, involving one guy with yakuza-type body tattoos called 'irezumi" that the police officer I originally consulted on the matter confirmed were of the organized crime group member type.

Decided to put a couple of the videos up as a precaution.

My attorney already has copies and has stated that the cops actions in the videos constitute violence, etc.

 Blogger mysteriously threw processing errors for the videos, so I had to upload them to YouTube first. Contradiction there? Google owns Youtube, right?