Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Christianity and the intelligence networks in Kyoto

Kyoto is the world’s foremost center of Mahayana Buddhism. It is also a traditional focal point for Shintoists, having long served as the nominal capital of Japan, due to the fact that it was where the Emperor resided from the beginning of the Heian Period through the third year of the Meiji Period. It was the rallying point for the nativists prior to the Meiji Restoration, as they sought to appropriate its symbolic status as the seat of the Emperor as an ideological tool against the Edo Bakufu government.

Thus Kyoto is also a rallying point for those attempting to promote a would-be Shinto theocracy along the lines of a Meiji Period State Shinto polity. Such people include, in my opinion, the former Prime Minister Mori (documented connections to crime syndicates), as well as eminent priests in the Shinto establishment, such as Kuroiwa Akihito, the former head of the national umbrella organization of Shinto Shrines (John Breen, A New History of Shinto, p. 205).

As an expatriate American resident of Kyoto with more than ten years in the city, I take the actions of such sociopaths in the public sphere very seriously, and basically consider them to represent a direct threat to my person and family.

Moreover, I also discovered that there are foreigners collaborating to promote the same agenda as such people, and then realized that those foreigners are officers in the intelligence agencies of their respective countries.

Part of the reason for addressing Christianity on this blog is that the foreign intelligence operatives here in Kyoto try to make the most of religion as a tool for creating divisions in Japanese civil society, and for establishing exclusionary networks, with Christianity serving as one mechanism facilitating infiltration of civil society. Since Kyoto is a religious center, it makes them appear as pious individuals, on the one hand, and provides a modicum of cover, on the other hand, as Kyoto does not have a bustling economy, being a thousand-year old center of religion, culture, and traditional arts.

The overwhelming majority of the individuals deployed by the intelligence agencies of their respective governments here in Kyoto don’t even have a conversational ability in Japanese, let alone literacy. One of the reasons that they are here to dumb down Kyoto, basically, in parallel with the secret society cretins promotion of religion and denigration of education and intellectuals in the USA and the UK.

I already mentioned fallacious and ludicrous writings on Kyoto by Mr. Dougill’s published by what us apparently an MI6 front company operating out of offices in New York City under the guise of an affiliate of Oxford University Press America. I have also mentioned that he is purported to be working on a book about the Hidden Christians in Japan. He is one of a number of Westerners being fraudulently presented as a legitimate intellectual authority on subject matter with which he is not only scantly familiar, but has a government enacted agenda that has nothing to do with the intellectual pursuit of truth and dissemination of knowledge into the public sphere.

Rather, the objectives of such individuals are bigoted and aim to deceive, inculcating false understandings of matters addressed for individuals unfortunate enough to have come into contact with the disinformation disseminated through the front companies operated by what can only be described as sociopaths in the “intelligence community”.

The foreigners operating in Kyoto collaborate not only with the Japanese crime syndicates (for a historical treatment of the post WWII development of these organizations in conjunction with the black market under the administration of Harry Truman see Robert Whiting, Tokyo Underworld…), they collaborate with each other.

While I’m fairly sure that there is a good deal of collaboration between intelligence agencies—especially those of the USA and the UK—it seems to me that these people were not collaborating on an official basis, but as members of a network that was not directly connected to their positions as intelligence officers. These people were all Freemasons.

As far as I can tell, they have a parallel Freemason agenda that they are intent on implementing as they carry on as intelligence officers. In other words, they have basically infiltrated the intelligence agencies of their respective governments and are in effect misappropriating public resources in their capacity as intelligence officers to implement their secret society agenda, which is for all intents and purposes the agenda of a criminal, anti-democratic organization.

Such individuals have made contact with me, generally at the Starbucks, initially—their corporate HQ of choice—and then attempt to infiltrate, attempting to cause a targeted individual such as myself to waste time, be unable to lead a productive life. When they fail at such attempts, they undertake more conspiratorial plans on a grander scale, with several individuals gathering information about a separate area of the targeted individual’s life and attempting to undermine that individuals daily life and goal oriented long term activities in a coordinated manner.

One such individual dispatched to infiltrate an aspect of my life related to cultural pursuit and religious study here goes by the name of Brian Schultz, as well as Brian Uneme, and claims to be from South Africa.

Brian was in Kyoto ostensibly to study shakuhachi with a Kyoto teacher well-known among foreigners, and introduced himself to me while I was practicing by the river one day, which is something I’ve been doing continuously for about nine years. He then bumped into me at the Starbucks, and I invited him over to look at some shakuhachi and have a drink.

We became drinking buddies of a sort, though he sometimes interjected malignant thoughts regarding Daoism or some other lofty topic, which immediately called his credibility and motives into question.

We were Facebook friends for a time, but after he’d invited me to a barbeque (technically not allowed at the pleasant banks of the Kamogawa—bento should be the order of the day!), which was sponsored by an Englishman whom shall remain unnamed for the time being, he abruptly cut off communications and closed his Facebook account (changed his last name to Uneme and defriended me!).

The reason he did that is apparently because there were numerous intelligence operatives at that barbeque, mostly British, including a couple that were doing graduate work in the sciences at Kyoto University, and their photos were on his Facebook page from the barbeque.

One thing that I’ve noticed and found extremely disturbing is the infiltration of academia by the intelligence agencies. They apparently infiltrate academia to recruit students (and teachers?) to act against their own country as an agent of the CIA, by Lisa Moran. Lisa Moran is a former CIA officer who has detailed aspects of the basically anti-social activities that the CIA is apparently engaged in even in friendly countries in a series of videos, including the following, related to a book she has published.

In the case of an allied country like Japan, this amounts to subverting the education system, and inculcating a criminal mentality in the students (and teachers) that the sociopaths in such intelligence agencies manage to recruit.

In other words, instead of spending money on study abroad programs to help student of the UK interact in an academic environment and civil society in a context free from interference by the state, the UK and other countries are apparently more interested in expending tax payer funds to send spies to infiltrate academic institutions in allied countries.

This basically amounts to a blatant attempt by the state to subvert and colonize civil society.

In all fairness, in the case of Japan, the policy of the Japanese government not to offer Monbusho (Ministry of Education) scholarships to potential graduate students that aree over 35 years of age is rather open to question with regard to the reasoning for such a policy. Why wouldn’t the decision to award a scholarship be based on anything other than merit at the graduate level? Especially in the case of the field of humanities, learning enough about the long and complicated history of Japan takes many years of study, so it is almost as though the Japanese government itself were trying to exclude aspiring Western scholars of Japanese history, culture, religion and the like from participating in high-level academic pursuits within Japan.

Back to the issue of Christianity, Brian Schultz/Uneme is one of several foreigners I suspect of being intelligence officers here that have become rent-a-priests who perform Christian wedding ceremonies on the weekends. Now I have nothing against the ceremonies, per se, just the fact that these people are not the types that would become priests, generally speaking. I don’t know whether the Church (any denomination) would approve of such activity. Then again, judging on the missionaries of the pre-modern period, maybe that is open to question! I would imagine that Jesus himself would consider them to be similar to the Herodians, false priests with a conspiratorial bend and suspect intentions and dispositions with regard to religion per se.

Finally, further mapping out and bringing to a circle the Dougill Schultz/Uneme connection, Brian once invited me out to a Butoh dance/music performance at a local club. I went along and was socializing and trying to have a good time, and Brian suddenly disappeared, making an early exit seeing that I was apparently having a good time. However, then I got into a conversation with a guy from Ireland who was among the folks at the bar, and the conversation somehow turned to the shakuhachi and Japanese music. He became somewhat curt with me as I tried to give him some background information, telling me that his Japanese friend knew all about it. That would have been fine except for the fact of the guys attitude, and the fact that the shakuhachi friend he was talking about was a total novice who was a friend of Brian’s that I had noticed recently sort of practicing at the river. He was so uninspiring a player that I could only imagine he was a yakuza plant or something trying to reclaim the river from me or something with respect to the shakuhachi.

This may sound trivial and juvenile, but the further point is that the Irish guy, whose name is Michael Lambe, runs an over overproduced blog 
doing a lot of suspect marketing and the like, and features none other than John Dougill as one of his resident experts.

The point is that these people try to mutually support the activity that each of them is engaged in as an intelligence officer, creating an exclusionary, nepotistic network that in my opinion amounts to a criminal infiltration of Japanese civil society.

Not only do they not facilitate interaction between private citizens of respective countries, but attempts to propagate a false cultural model that is apparently aimed at subverting the indigenous models, on the one hand, and stimulating demand for consumption related to entities affiliated with the model that the intelligence agencies are trying to covertly introduce in what can only be characterized as a neo-colonial activity, a type of societal espionage.

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