Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Adelstein’s media career launch through 'scoop' of story about a deal between the yakuza and FBI: Stage II, boosted into orbit

This post rounds off the introduction of Adelstein in relation to his CIA mass-media celebrity status. I'm posting it somewhat in haste, and could include much more information, but will leave it at this for the present, perhaps revising it later. I've included the first 2 of 3 pages of an article from 2008 by Adelstein that was submitted as an exhibit filed with the D.C. District Court--and is quoted in this post--at the end of the post. I should supplement these posts with further elucidations drawing on gleanings from Boorstin's book, and hope to get around to that before long.

Stage II, boosted into orbit

The second actual event that was used to loft Adelstein into celebrity status orbit was his “breaking” the story about the liver transplants provided to two high-ranking yakuza by UCLA medical center, purportedly facilitated by the FBI. There is a long-standing interdepartmental dispute between the CIA and FBI over various aspects of intelligence, and this may represent a case in which the CIA set the FBI up to be embarrassed; alternatively, the covert operation could have been devised with participation of the FBI. One finds it hard to believe that the FBI could really be so stupid as to have been culpable for the failures with which they have been stigmatized due to the incident. It must be born in mind that the projection of appearances can be an important tool for providing retroactive justification for the existence of certain types of covert missions. In fact, that is precisely one dimension of Boorstin’s exegesis of the mass-media pseudo-event. In a piece Adelstein wrote for the Washington Post in 2008 (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/09/AR2008050902544.html) and which I submitted to the D.C. District court, as per the images inserted below, Adelstein describes “leaks”. [emphasis added]

I didn't bargain on the contents leaking out before my book was released, which is what happened last November. Now the FBI and local law enforcement are watching over my family in the States, while the Tokyo police and the NPA look out for me in Japan. I would like to go home, but Goto has a reputation for taking out his target and anyone else in the vicinity.

In early March, in my presence, an FBI agent asked the NPA to provide a list of all the members of Goto's organization so that they could stop them from coming into the country and killing my family. The NPA was reluctant at first, citing "privacy concerns," but after much soul-searching handed over about 50 names. But the Tokyo police file lists more than 900 members. I know this because someone posted the file online in the summer of 2007; a Japanese detective was fired because of the leak.

There is no record online anywhere—in either English or Japanese—of the ‘leak’ of the list of 900 names and the disciplinary action incurred by the offending officer mentioned above. Furthermore, the first leak, related to his book, is unsubstantiated, and Adelstein provides no information as to his sources; in fact, he seems to be lying through his teeth, as CIA officers are apparently authorized to do. Moreover, there is not a single third-party source substantiating Adelstein’s claim of police protection. Boorstin says the following about “leaks” in the news media:

In many subtle ways, the rise of pseudo-events has mixed up our roles as actors and as audience or, the philosophers would say as “object" and "subject." Now we can oscillate between the two roles. []

An admirable example of this new intertwinement of subject and object, of the history and the historian, of the actor and the reporter, is the so-called news "leak." By now the leak has become an important and well-established institution in American politics. It is, in fact, one of the main vehicles for communicating important information from officials to the public.

A clue to the new unreality of the citizen's world is the perverse new meaning now given to the word "leak." To leak, according to the dictionary, is to "let a fluid substance out or in accidentally: as, the ship leaks." But nowadays a news leak is one of the most elaborately planned ways of emitting information. It is, of course, a way in which a government official, with some clearly defined purpose (a leak, even more than a direct announcement, is apt to have some definite devious purpose behind it) makes an announcement, asks a question, or puts a suggestion. It might more accurately be called a "sub rosa announcement," an "indirect statement," or "cloaked news."

The news leak is a pseudo-event par excellence. In its origin and growth, the leak illustrates another axiom of the world of pseudo-events: pseudo-events produce more pseudo-events. I will say more on this later.

[]the present institution of the news leak began in the irregular practice of a government official's helping a particular correspondent by confidentially giving him information not yet generally released.

In the case of CIA media front man Adelstein, the “government official” and “particular correspondent” are one and the same; in other words, it is simply a case of self-dealing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-dealing).

Adelstein himself presents a somewhat detailed account of the liver transplant incident in the Washington Post article. He claims that the Japanese police don’t cooperate with American authorities in relation to the yakuza, stating that:

This lack of cooperation was partly responsible for an astonishing deal made with the yakuza, and for the story that changed my life. Om May 18, 2001, the FBI arranged for [] to be flown to the United States for a liver transplant.

Well, I obviously agree that the story “changed [his] life”, as it provides the basis of the analysis of the methodology the CIA has deployed to infiltrate their fraudulent crime-fighting persona reporter into Japanese civil society. Adelstein goes on to state:

Goto is alive today because of that operation – a source of resentment among Japanese law enforcement officials because the FBI organized it without consulting them. From the U.S. point of view, it was a necessary evil. The FBI had long suspected the yakuza of laundering money in the United States, and Japanese and U.S. law enforcement officials confirm that Goto offered to tip them off to Yamaguchi-gumi front companies and mobsters in exchange for the transplant. James Moynihan, then the FBI representative in Tokyo who brokered the deal, still defends the operation. “You can’t monitor the activities of the yakuza in the United States if you don’t know who they are,” he said in 2007. “Goto only gave us a fraction of what he promised, but it was better than nothing.”

This link is to a YouTube video of an unrelated interview with Moynihan: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdUi4WprI5I). Another news piece (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/fbi-helped-japanese-gangster-to-have-life-saving-transplant-in-us-837427.html) includes a statement from another FBI officer who opines that, “It defies logic”:

"I don't think Goto gave the bureau anything of significance," said Jim Stern, now retired from the FBI's Asian crime division. Mr Goto "came to the States and got a liver and was laughing back to where he came from. It defies logic."

I’ve gone to some length, particularly in the lawsuit but also on this blog, of elucidating the connections stem from the end of WWII between the CIA and the LDP, the CIA/yakuza/LDP, etc., including the fact that the most famous owner of the Yomiuri was a CIA asset. In short, it seems that the Japanese police undoubtedly know that the CIA are colluding with the yakuza, which puts them in a difficult position. Why would they share intelligence with the CIA when the CIA is acting as a facilitator for the yakuza internationally, including money laundering through Citi Bank, etc. So Jim Stern was correct that it defies logic, outside of the confines of a covert operation. For all intents and purposes the CIA is engaged in criminal collusion against the People of Japan with corrupt politicians (the LDP) and organized crime groups (the yakuza) that it helped establish after WWII. And the Japanese police are supposed to cooperate with the CIA? The complications are readily apparent, and such complications can create systemic lapses that are in turn exploitable by agencies like the CIA.

Hessler interviewed some of Adelstein’s former co-workers at the Yomiuri, which he quit before breaking the story that launched him into celebrity orbit. In this context in the New Yorker article, Hessler again describes well-informed people that connected Adelstein to the CIA:

To this day, nobody at the paper will speak on the record about him, some reporters told me that he was a liar, while others said that the Yomiuri had been frustrated by his obsession. A couple of people alleged that he worked for the C.I.A.

As a private citizen that has become directly involved in a struggle against the yakuza (and their CIA cohorts) in Kyoto because of the perfidy of his government, I take the false claims made by CIA fraud Adelstein personally. Accordingly, I’m exposing Adelstein on this blog as a suspected CIA sociopath masquerading as an anti-yakuza crusading crime fighter, and using disinformation he has spread (e.g., his purported police protection) as an employee of the CIA in the lawsuit filed against the CIA in the D.C. District Court. Adelstein delivered a banal presentation at TEDx Kyoto belying what a boorish stooge he is a couple of years ago on the yakuza (). Meanwhile, TEDx Kyoto is run by Irish intelligence operative (G2 officer) Jake Klaphake, as I have mentioned before on this blog… TEDex is part of the wave of neoliberal pseudo-civil society organizations that the CIA has either created out of whole cloth or co-opted for use in infiltrating and providing cover for covert operatives, and providing a semblance of legitimacy to the pseudo-event generating apparatus that such fraudulent organizations of composed of covert state actors infiltrating civil society represent.

I’m going to eventually wrap up this series on Adelstein with one more post analyzing Adelstein’s purported—and apparently false—movie deal for a full-blown Hollywood rendition of his book starring Danielle Radcliffe… That would appear to be an example of a mass-media pseudo-event of the sort that Adelstein was launched to serve as a vehicle for, and parallels the attempt to launch the career of Lotman as a pseudo-culture figure. I’ll close this by posting a link to the relevant Japan Times pseudo-event article: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/05/03/national/harry-potter-star-to-feature-in-tokyo-vice-yakuza-thriller.

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